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Connecticut Precast, for all your building needs

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Ecostormplus 013009 2

Precast Concrete

The best choice for the toughest jobs.



Precast's superior strength means that installation is often easier, quicker and less costly. It also requires less ongoing maintenance and a reduced likelihood of future problems. That means a lower total cost over the life cycle of a project.

Service Life

Service Life

Precast concrete products can provide a service life in excess of 100 years, and where severe conditions preclude service there are options available to further extend the life of the precast concrete product. Precast concrete also resists most substances. While no material is completely immune to attack from aggressive chemical agents, our precast products can often be designed to resist corrosion in specific applications.



Connecticut Precast is your source for every type of sanitary and storm sewer manholes, box culverts, catch basins, pump/lift stations, septic tanks, exterior grease interceptors, water storage tanks, wet wells, electrical and communication vaults and many other products.